
domingo, 11 de agosto de 2013

Greenpace Guide to Greener Eletronics


O Greenpace publica todo ano uma lista com as empresas eletrônicas mais sustentáveis do planeta.
A última versão (Novembro/2012) pode ser acessada aqui.

A três primeiras na lista são: WIPRO, HP, NOKIA
Apple e Samsung ficaram com a sexta e sétima posições, respectivamente.

Apple: "Apple drops to 6th position, with a score of 4.6. Though one of the high scorers in this edition, Apple misses out on points for lack of transparency on GHG emission reporting, clean energy advocacy, further information on its management of toxic chemicals, and details on post-consumer recycled plastic use."

Samsung: "Samsung moves up to 7th position, with 4.2 points in this year’s Greenpeace Guide to Greener Electronics. Samsung is close to achieving a revised goal of eliminating some of the most hazardous substances from its products. Although progress is being made, this revised commitment only covers some product groups; TVs and household appliances are no longer included."

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